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Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Rio de Janeiro 1918-1945
Sygnatura IPN
IPN BU 3310/86 pokaż opis j.a

Circulates and Instructions of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ukrainian affairs (1923). Diplomatic reports "Polska a Zagranica" concerning Ukrainian issues. Activities and journeys of Metropolitan Szeptycki. League of Nations and Gdansk issues. Polish-USA relations. Zionist Congress in Kalsbad.

Daty skrajne
1923 - 1923
Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Rio de Janeiro 1918-1945
Sygnatura IPN
IPN BU 3310/85 pokaż opis j.a

Circulates and Instructions of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ukrainian affairs (1922). Special reports from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Activities and journeys of Metropolitan Szeptycki.

Daty skrajne
1922 - 1922
Związek Bojowników o Wolność i Demokrację. Okręg Warszawa.
Sygnatura IPN
IPN BU 3423/87 pokaż opis j.a

Archiwum Związku Bojowników o Wolność i Demokrację - teczka "Międzynarodowa Brygada Żydowska": materiały dot: Ignacy Taczanowski, imię ojca: Rafał, ur. 21-07-1903 / 31-07-1903 r.

Daty skrajne
1945 - 1952
Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Rio de Janeiro 1918-1945
Sygnatura IPN
IPN BU 3310/84 pokaż opis j.a

Circulates and Instructions of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ukrainian affairs (1922). Official secret correspondence, reports, cables on Ukrainian issues. Activities and journeys of Metropolitan Szeptycki. League of Nations.

Daty skrajne
1922 - 1922
Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Rio de Janeiro 1918-1945
Sygnatura IPN
IPN BU 3310/83 pokaż opis j.a

Circulates and Instructions of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ukrainian affairs (1920-1922). Diplomatic correspondence, memoranda from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and various other diplomatic posts on Ukrainian issues. Activities and journeys of Metropolitan Szeptycki.

Daty skrajne
1920 - 1922
Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Rio de Janeiro 1918-1945
Sygnatura IPN
IPN BU 3310/88 pokaż opis j.a

Circulates and Instructions of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ukrainian affairs (1923). Diplomatic reports "Polska a Zagranica" concerning Ukrainian issues, activities and journeys of Metropolitan Szeptycki. League of Nations and Gdansk issues.

Daty skrajne
1923 - 1923
Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Rio de Janeiro 1918-1945
Sygnatura IPN
IPN BU 3310/82 pokaż opis j.a

Circulates and Instructions of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Transportation affairs (1932). Official correspondence, reports, cables, printed gliding instructions, passenger statistical reports concerning Polish and foreign airlines and airline traffic.

Daty skrajne
1932 - 1937
Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Rio de Janeiro 1918-1945
Sygnatura IPN
IPN BU 3310/81 pokaż opis j.a

Circulates and Instructions of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Transportation affairs (1929). Circulars from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Polish air and ground control.

Daty skrajne
1929 - 1929
Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Rio de Janeiro 1918-1945
Sygnatura IPN
IPN BU 3310/80 pokaż opis j.a

Circulates and Instructions of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Press affairs. Press and propaganda reports to and from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Polish diplomatic posts.

Daty skrajne
1936 - 1938
Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Rio de Janeiro 1918-1945
Sygnatura IPN
IPN BU 3310/79 pokaż opis j.a

Circulates and Instructions of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Personal affairs (1927-1930). Circulars from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Missing circulars and list of top secret circulates.

Daty skrajne
1923 - 1930