Segregator Materiałów Wstępnych (Preliminary Material Binder) (SMW) a category of the preliminary operative case in Department I of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs (Security Service (SB) intelligence) and the manner in which the files pertaining to it were kept; an SMW was set up when there were insufficient documents or grounds to open any other operative case. The SMWs were kept and registered by the secretariats of the relevant divisions of Department I of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs; operative material was included in the SMW based on the decision of the head or deputy head of the division, labelled with the registration number of the SMW, and then handed over to an operative officer whose duty was to "operatively check and further work on" them; after checking, the appropriate operative case was opened; if it was not possible to reclassify material included in the SMW into another category of operative case, such material was deposited back in the SMW or destroyed; within the SMW, documents concerning the planned recruitment of an agent, information contact (kontakt informacyjny, KI) or operative contact (kontakt operacyjny, KO), corresponding in part to the documentation of candidate for secret collaborator (KTW) in other SB divisions, were sometimes collected. If recruitment failed or the case was not reclassified into another operative category, the file was kept in the archives of Department I of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs as an SMW.