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A dictionary of terms and detailed explanations regarding the functioning of state security organizations facilitates the interpretation of published data.

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Informacja wywiadu (Intelligence service information) a piece of information prepared by Division XVII of Department I of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs based on information obtained from the operative units of Department I of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs.


EN Informant

a category of cooperation with the Ministry of Public Security (MBP), Committee for Public Security (KdsBP) and Ministry of the Internal Affairs (MSW) between 1945-1960, preceding secret collaborator (see tajny współpracownik, TW); collaborator involved in collecting and passing information to the Security Department (UB)/Security Service (SB). The informant ranked lowest in the hierarchy of cooperation categories. An informant had an personal dossier (corresponding to the TW personal dossier, see teczka personalna) and a service dossier (corresponding to the TW service dossier, see teczka pracy).


Instrukcja (Instruction) a category of service regulations. A normative act, signed by the Minister of the Internal Affairs (or a department head at the Ministry of the Internal Affairs), regulating procedures, activities, service relationships and responsibilities within the Ministry of the Internal Affairs. "Instruction" was a higher-level act, usually introduced with an order of the Minister of the Internal Affairs.

SEE ALSO Zarządzenie,