The Database “Personal Losses and Victims of Repression Under German Occupation”
The basic goal of the project is to establish a list of names of Second Polish Republic citizens who were subject to repression from the German occupier from 1939–1945.
We are restoring the names of all identifiable victims and repressed persons who were citizens of the Second Republic (of all nationalities) in September 1939. The data collected will make it possible to show the topography of crimes from September 1939 against all citizens of the Polish state within its borders and will be a testimony to the scale of the terror.
- Go to: “Personal Losses and Victims of Repression Under German Occupation” project (PL)

Other applications, lists and databases
A very valuable addition to the archival repository are electronic databases: the victims of German repression application, obtained from the International Tracing Service (ITS) in Bad Arolsen, Germany, and databases of the “Index of the Repressed” program, acquired from the KARTA Center Foundation, documenting the fate of Polish citizens repressed by the Soviet Union.
Go to: “Index of the Repressed” project (PL)

Database of the Victims of the Volhynia Massacre
The main aim of the project is to commemorate the victims of genocidal crimes of particular cruelty in Volhynia and Eastern Lesser Poland (Małopolska) in 1939–1945, the vast majority of whom did not have a proper burial, and to establish the identities and number of those murdered.
- Go to: (PL)