The periodical contains academic papers, documents editions and publications’ reviews. The majority of the papers published concern the resources and collections kept in the IPN Archives. The articles concerning the recent history are also accepted and published. Among the authors are the IPN employees and also the researchers from the other academic centres, including those abroad.
The issues of the periodical are available online in PDF format. The tables of contents of the issues and the abstracts of the papers are published also in English.
„Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej” is enclosed in the list of academic periodicals published by Polish Ministry of Education and Science within the research branches “history”, “culture and religion scholarship”, “architecture and urbanistics”, “social communication and media scholarship”. The journal is also included in the international database of academic periodicals Index Copernicus International – Journals Master List, as well as in the international database ERIH Plus, in the SCOPUS database of abstracts and citations, in the Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH) database (joint project of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), and in Polish databases BazHum (the project of the Polish History Museum) and POL-Index (the official Polish evaluation database of the academic research).
Since 2019 the editor-in-chief of the „Przegląd Archiwalny IPN” is Mariusz Żuławnik PhD (deputy director of the IPN Archives), the secretary of the editorial board is Paweł Tomasik (custodian in the IPN Archives). In 2008–2018 the editor-in-chief was Jerzy D. Bednarek PhD, and the secretary of the editorial board was Paweł Perzyna PhD.
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