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A dictionary of terms and detailed explanations regarding the functioning of state security organizations facilitates the interpretation of published data.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | W | Z


Notatka informacyjna (Information note) a document containing a general summary of operative information relating to individuals, communities, organisations and groups, ongoing investigations or events. The notes were usually drawn up for the leadership of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs (and the party organs supervising them) to present information obtained by operative means, summarizing the activities of individuals or groups or the activities of the Security Service (SB) operative units. Notes intended for party organs or top-level individuals, despite the relatively accurate reproduction of information from documents of an operative nature, do not reference specific sources (either personal or technical).


Notatka informacyjna z opracowania pod względem ewidencyjno-operacyjnym i archiwalnym akt sprawy (Information note on archival and registry arrangement of the operative case file) a form filled in when in course of archiving of the file, added to the file. The note included the category of the operative or cooperation case-file, the table listing all persons under surveillance as part of the case (or collaborator’s data) together with their basic personal details and – in the columns "symbols of index-cards" and "remarks" – the symbols of the index-card written out when the files were archived and the "C" division units to which they were sent (corresponding with the card-indexes kept in those units).


Numer archiwalny (Archival reference number) the reference number of operative case-files and personal files kept in the archives of the Security Service (SB) "C" division, consisting of the consecutive number of the file inventory, i.e. the archive log (under which archived files were entered in chronological order), followed by the log symbol after the slash, corresponding to the category of operative or personal files. The archival reference number was unique. From 1968, agent files had references: No./I (with regard to TW, KO, KS, holders of LK and MK, trusted persons, OZI, etc.) or No./I-k in the case of KTW; operative case-files: SOS, SOR, KE, TEOK: No./II; investigations and inquiries (investigation control files): No./III; object case-files: No./IV; personal files were given the following reference symbols – personal dossiers of Security Service (SB) officers: No./V; personal dossiers of Citizens' Militia (MO) officers: No./VI; personal dossiers of civilian employees of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs: No./VII; personal dossiers of professional soldiers of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs: No./VIII; personal dossiers of employees of the State Fire Service Headquarters: No./IX. Archival reference numbers could also be recorded as I-1234, IV-1234, 1234-II etc. Files produced by the Citizens' Militia (MO) and Border Protection Troops (WOP) and Internal Military Service (WSW) of the military units of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs additionally included the letters: "m" (for MO) and "w" (for WOP and WSW of the Military Units of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs), respectively. Dossiers of the persons allowed to take an official position abroad were labelled with the relevant archival log consecutive number followed by the letter "A" after the slash; operative case-control dossiers were labelled with the archival log consecutive number followed by the letter "K" after the slash. When a file was microfiched or microfilmed, the microfilm was given a new archival reference number, consisting of the consecutive number of the microfilm inventory/log – usually, the former archival number of the filmed file followed by the Arabic numeral after the slash, corresponding to the Roman symbol of the relevant file inventory (archival log), i.e. a file with the reference 1234/I corresponded to microfiche with the reference 1234/1 or 1-1234 etc. A separate record of microforms was kept by the Ministry of the Internal Affairs so that the file reference numbers do not in every case correspond (apart from the equivalent archival log symbol) to those of microfiche. In the archives of Department I of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs, operative case-files, when archived, were assigned archival reference numbers of only one series – in the order in which the files were received in the archive, without dividing them into categories or giving separate archival log symbols. From the beginning of the 1970s, in the archives of Department I of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs, microfilms of files were assigned a “J” number, which later de facto replaced the original archival reference number of the file.

SEE ALSO "C", pion, Akta operacyjne, Sprawa agenturalna grupowa | Agent case-file on group, Sprawa agenturalno-śledcza | Agent investigation case-file, Tajny współpracownik (TW), Kontakt operacyjny (KO) | Operative contact, Kontakt służbowy (KS) | Official contact, Dysponent lokalu kontaktowego (lokalu przejściowego, lokalu bazy, punktu odbioru), Lokal kontaktowy (LK) | Contact flat, Mieszkanie konspiracyjne (MK) | secret flat, safehouse, Osoba zaufana (OZ) | Trusted person, Osobowe źródło informacji (OZI) | Personal information source, Sprawa operacyjnego sprawdzenia (SOS) | Operative check case (SOS), Sprawa operacyjnego rozpracowania (SOR) | Operative case-file (SOR), Teczka ewidencji operacyjnej na księdza (TEOK), Akta kontrolne śledztwa, Kwestionariusz ewidencyjny (KE) | Record questionnaire, Sprawa obiektowa | Object case-file, Akta personalne | Personal files, Akta osobowe funkcjonariusza | Officer personal files, Teczka wyjazdowa | Travel dossier,


Numer rejestracyjny (Registration number) the number of the entry in the registration log assigned to each registered "operative interest" (operative cases, collaborators of various categories, so-called  “operative securing”, etc.). The registration number served as the primary identifier of the case. It was written on the covers of the operative case-files and in forms used in the files and to the other (apart from the registration log) recording instruments (primarily card-indexes). It was used for operative reports and internal correspondence on operative matters. The registration number, as it was an consecutive number assigned in the chronological order of the entries, was unique for cases registered within the unit keeping the registration log – the Ministry of the Internal Affairs (separately for Department I of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs) or the Security Service (SB) field unit. The registration number was added to the archival log entries when the file was archived.