The periodical contains academic papers, documents editions and publications’ reviews. The majority of the papers published concern the resources and collections kept in the IPN Archives. The articles concerning the recent history are also accepted and published.
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Please note that the search panel for the descriptions of the archival items and the glossary of terms have a separate search mechanism.
I Division: Records of the Third Reich repressive and administrative bodies (PL: Dział I: Organy represji i administracji III Rzeszy Niemieckiej)
II Division: Records of the Soviet repressive bodies (PL: Dział II: Organy represji Związku Socjalistycznych Republik Sowieckich)
III Division: Records of the state security bodies (PL: Dział III: Cywilne organy bezpieczeństwa państwa)
The Center For Information On The Victims of World War II
"Bearing in mind the need to ensure the remembrance of the enormity of victims, losses and damages suffered by the Polish Nation during and after World War II", as was written in the preamble to the Act of 18 December 1998 on the Institute of National Remembrance - Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation, the Center for Information on the Victims of World War II was established at the beginning of 2014, pursuant to the decision of the President of the Institute of National Remembrance.
The amendment of the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance of 18 March 2010 required the IPN to publish an archival inventory providing a description of the holdings at the archival unit level ( Data Description ).
The Archive Full of Remembrance Project
History is not only grand events – history is also the experiences of every person and every family. Without getting to know them, the picture of our past is incomplete.
We are particularly interested in documents, photographs, mementoes and accounts, as well as any type of material (letters, memoirs, diaries, speeches, lectures, films, audio and video cassettes, forms, or documents) illustrating the history of the Polish Nation in the years 1939-1990.
The IPN Archive stores a range of files clearly defined chronologically and thematically, as well as by provenance (origin).
The Institute has the responsibility of collecting, recording, storing, processing, preserving, making available and publishing the documents of the state security organs produced and collected from 22 July 1944 to 31 July 1990, as well as the security organs of the Third German Reich and the Union of Soviet Socialist.
The archival description shall include the following:
1) The IPN reference number
2) The name of the archival collection or the creator of archival materials including the original language of the documents
3) The title of the archival unit
4) Media (document) type
5) Number of volumes
6) Place where the documents are kept (an Archive)
Additionally, the archival description may also include:
7) The name of the archival subcollection including the original language of the documents (if it exists)
Searching for unit descriptions in the Archival Inventory
A full-text search allows one to search for issues, persons, cases and problems mentioned in the archival records; selecting the hierarchical search option narrows down the results to selected divisions of the archive and then to the archival fonds and collections assigned to these divisions.