IPN BU 2602/28295

IPN BU 2602/28295

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Record identification
IPN reference number
IPN BU 2602/28295
IPN former reference number
IPN BU 01392/297
Former reference numbers
IPN BU Z/01392/297, IPN BU 00240/142
Historical reference numbers
6311; 0077/84, 0053/78
File description

Teczka personalna agenta ps. "Geber": Roman Tomala, imię ojca: Józef, ur. 10-09-1952 we Wrocławiu.

Starting date
Closing date
Material description
The media type

Dokumentacja aktowa, Fotografia, Karta ewidencyjna, Fotokopia dokumentacji aktowej

Number of volumes
Place of storage