IPN Po 1373/1297

IPN Po 1373/1297

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Record identification
IPN reference number
IPN Po 1373/1297
File description

Album negatywów do spraw: Ds. 2/76, Ds. 5/74, Ds. 3/70, Ko. 6/74, Ds. 5/68, Ds. 17/67, Ds. 27/68, Ds. 2/75, Ds. 10/66, Ds. 1/69, Ds. 6/72, Ds. 3/71, Ds. 2/73, Ds. 19/67, Ds. 3/67, Ds. 22/68, Ds. 5/69, Ds. 3/75.

Material description
The media type

Klisza fotograficzna negatywowa

Number of volumes