IPN BU 4210/652

IPN BU 4210/652

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Record identification
IPN reference number
IPN BU 4210/652
Historical reference numbers
5697, 9700, 9701, 9702, 9703, 9704, 9705, 9706, 9707, 9708, 9709, 9710, 9711, 9712, 9713, 9714, 9715, 9716, 9717, 9718, 9719, 9720, 9721, 9722, 9723, 9724, 9725, 9726, 9727, 9728, 9729, 9730, 9731, 9732, 9733, 9734, 9735, 9736, 9737, 9738, 9739, 9740, 9741, 9742, 9743, 9744, 9745, 9746, 9747, 9748, 9749, 9750, 9751, 9752, 9753, 9754, 9755, 9756, 9757, 9758, 9759, 9760, 9761, 9762, 9763, 9764, 9765, 9766, 9767, 9768, 9769, 9770, 9771, 9772, 9773, 9774, 9775, 9776, 9777, 9778, 9779, 9780, 9781, 9782, 9783, 9784, 9785, 9786, 9787, 9788, 9789, 9790, 9791, 9792, 9793, 9794, 9795, 9796, 9797, 9798, 9799, 9800, 9801, 9802, 9803, 9804, 9805, 9806, 9807, 9808, 9809, 9810, 9811, 9812, 9813, 9814, 9815, 9816, 9817, 9818, 9819, 9820, 9821, 9822, 9823, 9824, 9825, 9826, 9827, 9828, 9829, 9830, 9831, 9832, 9833, 9834, 9835, 9836, 9837, 9838, 9839, 9840, 9841, 9842, 9843, 9844, 9845, 9846, 9847, 9848, 9849, 9850, 9851, 9852, 9853, 9854, 9855, 9856, 9857, 9858, 9955, 9956, 9957, 9958, 9959, 9960, 9961, 9962, 9963, 9964, 9965, 9966, 9967, 9968, 9969, 9970, 9971, 9972, 9973, 9974, 9975, 9976, 9977, 9978, 9979, 9980, 9981, 9982, 9983, 9984, 9985, 9986, 9987, 9988, 9989, 9990, 9991, 9992, 9993, 9994, 9995, 9996, 9997, 9998, 9999, 10000, 10001, 10002, 10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007, 10008, 10009, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10013, 10014, 10015, 10016, 10017, 10018, 10019, 10020, 10021, 10022, 10023, 10024, 10025, 10026, 10027, 10028, 10029, 10030, 10031, 10032, 10033, 10034, 10035, 10036, 10037, 10038, 10039, 10040, 10041, 10042, 10043, 10044, 10045, 10046, 10047, 10048, 10049, 10050, 10051, 10052, 10053, 10054, 10055, 10056, 10057, 10058, 10059, 10060, 10061, 10062, 10063, 10064, 10065, 10066, 10067, 10068, 10069, 10070, 10071, 10072, 10073, 10074, 10075, 10076, 10077, 10078, 10079, 10080, 10081, 10082, 10083, 10084, 19077, 19078, 19884, 19885, 19886, 19922, 19923, 19924, 19925, 19926, 21228, 21231, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21239, 21240, 21241, 21242, 21243, 21244, 21245, 21246, 21247, 21248, 21249, 21250, 21251, 21252, 21253, 21254, 21255, 21257, 21259, 21264, 21266, 21277, 21278, 21279, 21280, 21281, 21282, 21308, 21309, 21491, 21492, 21493, 21494, 21495, 21496, 21497, 21498, 21499, 21500, 21521, 21571, 21572, 21573, 21574, 21575, 21576, 21577, 21578, 21579, 21580, 21581, 21582, 21583, 21584, 21585, 21586, 21587, 21588, 21589, 21590, 21591, 21592, 21593, 21594, 21595, 21596, 21597, 21598, 21599, 21600, 21601, 21602, 21603, 21604, 21605, 21606, 21607, 21608, 21609, 21610, 21611, 21612, 21613, 21614, 21615, 21616, 21617, 21618, 21619, 21620, 21621, 21622, 21623, 21624, 21625, 21626, 21627, 21628, 21629, 21630, 21631, 21632, 21633, 21634, 21635, 21890, 21968, 21975, 27114, 27115, 27116, 27117, 29605, 29606, 29607, 33458, 33459, 33460, 59581, 59582, 59764, 59765, 60295, 60655, 60730, 62698, 65812, 66001
File description

Portrety członków załogi KL Auschwitz-Birkenau


Zdjęcia (portrety, indywidualne, sygnalne) przedstawiające: członków załogi KL Auschwitz, członków SS (m.in. Allgemeine SS, SS-Totenkopff), cywilów, procesy zbrodniarzy wojennych. Autorzy zdjęć: nieustaleni, Edelmann, Weichsel O/S, Billsträm.

Starting date
Closing date
Material description
The media type

Pliki cyfrowe

Number of volumes
Place of storage