IPN BU 4210/510

IPN BU 4210/510

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Record identification
IPN reference number
IPN BU 4210/510
Historical reference numbers
2504, 2506, 2507, 2508, 2622, 2623, 2625, 2626, 2820, 2822, 2916, 6706, 6707, 6708, 6709, 6710, 6711, 6712, 6713, 6714, 6715, 6716, 6717, 6718, 6719, 6723, 6731, 6732, 6733, 6734, 6735, 6736, 6737, 6738, 6739, 6740, 6741, 6742, 6743, 6744, 6745, 6746, 6748, 6749, 6750, 6751, 6752, 6753, 6754, 6755, 6756, 6757, 6758, 13168, 13169, 13171, 13176, 13177, 13178, 13180, 13182, 15593, 15594, 15596, 15597, 15598, 15599, 15600, 15604, 15605, 15606, 17307, 17308, 17311, 17312, 17314, 17315, 17316, 17317, 17318, 17319, 17320, 17321, 17322, 17323, 17324, 17325, 17327, 17330, 17331, 17332, 17333, 17336, 17337, 17338, 17339, 17340, 17344, 17345, 17349, 17369, 17370, 17423, 18847, 18848, 18849, 18850, 18851, 18852, 18853, 18854, 18855, 18856, 18857, 18858, 18859, 18860, 18861, 18862, 18863, 18864, 18865, 18866, 18867, 18868, 18869, 18870, 18871, 18872, 18873, 18874, 18875, 18876, 18877, 18878, 18879, 18880, 18881, 18882, 18883, 18884, 18885, 18886, 18887, 18888, 18889, 18890, 18891, 18892, 18893, 18894, 18895, 18896, 18897, 18898, 18899, 18900, 18901, 18902, 18903, 18904, 18905, 18906, 18907, 18908, 18909, 18910, 18911, 18912, 18913, 18914, 18915, 18916, 18917, 18918, 18919, 18920, 18921, 18922, 18923, 18924, 18925, 18926, 18927, 18928, 18929, 18930, 18931, 18932, 18933, 18934, 18935, 18936, 18937, 18938, 18939, 18940, 19354, 20525, 20526, 20527, 20528, 20529, 20530, 20531, 20532, 20533, 20534, 20535, 20538, 22004, 22005, 22006, 22007, 32693, 32694, 32695, 32696, 32697, 32698, 32701, 32702, 46871, 46875, 46876, 46877, 58685, 58686, 58687, 58688, 58689, 58690, 58691, 58692, 58693, 58694, 58695, 58696, 58697, 58698, 58699, 58700, 58701, 58702, 58703, 59040, 59047, 59204, 59205, 59206, 59207, 59232, 59233, 62737, 63489, 63627, 63628, 63629, 63630, 63631, 63632, 63633, 63634, 63635, 63636, 63637, 63638, 63639, 63640, 63641, 63642, 63643, 63644, 63645, 63646, 63647, 63648, 63649, 63650, 63651, 63652, 63653, 63654, 63655, 63656, 63657, 63658, 63659, 63660, 63661, 63662, 63663, 63664, 63665, 63666, 63667, 63668, 63669, 63709, 63710, 63711, 63712, 63713, 63714, 63715, 63716, 63717, 63718, 63719, 63720, 63721, 63722, 63723, 63724, 63725, 63726, 63727, 63728, 63729, 63730, 63731, 63732, 63733, 63734, 63735, 63736, 63737, 63738, 63739, 63740, 63741, 63742, 63743, 63744, 63745, 63746, 63747, 63748, 63749, 63750, 63751, 63752, 63753, 63754, 63755, 63756, 63757, 63758, 63759, 63760, 63761, 63762, 63763, 63764, 63765, 63766, 63767, 63768, 63769, 63770, 63771, 63772, 63773, 63774, 63775, 63776, 63777, 63778, 63779, 63780, 63781, 63782, 63783, 63784, 63785, 63786, 63787, 63788, 63789, 63790, 63791, 63792, 63793, 63794, 63795, 63796, 63797, 63798, 63799, 63800, 63801, 63802, 63803, 63804, 63805, 63806, 63807, 63808, 63809, 63810, 63811, 63812, 63813, 63814, 63815, 63816, 63817, 63818, 63819, 63821, 63822, 63823, 63824, 63825, 63826, 63827, 63828, 63829, 63830, 63831, 63832, 63833, 63834, 63835, 63836, 63837, 63838, 63839, 63840, 63841, 63842, 63843, 63844, 63845, 63846, 63847, 63848, 63969, 63970, 63971, 63972, 63973, 63974, 63976, 63977, 63978, 63979, 63980, 63981, 63982, 63983, 63984, 63985, 63986, 63987, 63988, 63989, 63990, 63991, 63992, 63993, 63995, 63996, 63999, 64000, 64001, 64002, 64003, 64004, 64005, 64006, 64007, 64008, 64009, 64010, 64011, 64012, 64013, 64014, 64015, 64016, 64017, 64018, 64019, 64020, 64021, 64022, 64023, 64024, 64025, 64026, 64027, 64028, 64029, 64030, 64031, 64032, 64033, 64034, 64035, 64036, 64037, 64038, 64039, 64040, 64041, 64042, 64043, 64044, 64045, 64046, 64067, 64068, 64069, 64073, 64077, 64088, 64117, 64119, 64218, 64219, 64220, 64221, 64222, 64223, 64224, 64225, 64226, 64227, 64228, 64229, 64230, 64231, 64232, 64233, 64234, 64235, 64236, 64237, 64238, 64239, 64240, 64241, 64242, 64243, 64244, 64245, 64246, 64247, 64248, 64249, 64250, 64251, 65896, 65900, 66096, 66097, 66098, 66099, 66100, 66101, 66102, 66103, 66104, 66105, 66106, 66107, 66108, 66109, 66110, 66101, 66105, 66106, 66107, 66108, 66109, 66110, 66111, 66112, 66113, 66114, 66115, 66116, 66117, 66118, 66119, 66121, 66122, 66134, 66135, 66136, 66895, 66896, 66897, 66898, 66976, 66977, 66978, 66979, 66981, 66982, 67173, 67179, 67180, 67183, 67184, 67188, 67189, 67190, 67191, 67192, 67193, 67194, 67195
File description

Zniszczenia Warszawy dokonane we wrześniu 1939 r.


Niemieckie i polskie zdjęcia przedstawiające zniszczenia Warszawy powstałe we wrześniu 1939 r. (możliwe, że są to również zniszczenia z okresu powstania warszawskiego): budynki i ich wnętrza, samochody, tramwaje, groby poległych, barykady, pożary domów, martwe konie na ulicach, mosty, funkcjonariuszy policji niemieckiej, funkcjonariuszy policji polskiej, ekshumacje, wojsko polskie, Żydów, działania wojenne, pomniki. Autorzy zdjęć: nieustaleni, Edward Fikus, Stanisław Madejski, Czesław Panenko, Renau, Leonard Sempoliński, Antoni Snawadzki.

Starting date
Closing date
Material description
The media type

Pliki cyfrowe

Number of volumes
Place of storage