IPN GK 917/323

IPN GK 917/323

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Record identification
IPN reference number
IPN GK 917/323
Historical reference numbers
File description

Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości. Główna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce. Contents: 1. The nazi programme for the extermination of the Polish nation and its implementation in the years 1939-1945. 2. Statistical tables Poland's war losses and casualties, 1939-1945. 3. Nazi concentration camps in Poland and in Europe. 4. The problem of extermination of the Jewish population in Poland and in Europe. 5. Concentration camps of the Third Reich - the leading instrument for extermination of European peoples. 6. Activities of the High Commission For The Investigation Of Nazi Crimes in Poland - 1944-1974 - opracowania (2 egz.).

Material description
The media type

Dokumentacja aktowa

Number of volumes
Number of pages
Place of storage